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Gulf Coast Information Systems

"The Source of your Internet Solutions"


No SPam

email gcis@gcisnet.net

Our policy on spam.
Spam is the sending of UNSOLICITED email. 
GCIS uses several systems
to "reject"  email.

If your email bounced and the message directed you here,

E-mail to our clients is filtered thru several anti-spam features. Additionally some types for file attachments may not be allowed.
These generally include executable files, screensaver files. And files with Double extensions such as filename.txt.vbs
As these are almost always sent by virus infected machines.
Several dynamic real time blocking systems are queried for each incoming email.
These include SPAMCOP SPAMHAUS and others. If your mail comes from a blacklisted server it will be rejected.
We also may choose to reject email from sources that do not properly identify,authenticate or comply with new anti-spam measures.
Your email may not be SPAM. But your mailserver may be used by others to send SPAM.
It has been tested and verified to relay email.
Your ISP has been notified, and it hasn't been fixed.
Your email may not be spam, or unsolicited,
however it is a
..."casualty in the war against spam".
Your mailserver may still be used by spammers.

This is NOT a mail or network problem.
We choose not to allow
mail from mis-configured
mailservers thru our system! This blocks

thousands of spam messages to our clients daily.

On a brighter note, most ISP's
are quick to correct the problem once notified.
Especially if you notify them that
your email is not getting delivered.

We can if asked, over-ride this to allow your
mail thru our system to our clients.

Call us or email us from a differnt account to achieve this.
**Yelling at us will NOT help the process**
Contact your ISP FIRST!

If we or our clients receive unsolicited email we MAY
at our discretion include the source domain
or address in our spam database. 
Which means ANY mail from that source
and possibly the entire domain
will be rejected by our system. 

GCIS customers should email us with
the contents and headers of a message.

If you have been included in our system either in error
or the spam source has been eliminated contact
us at 1.601.791.1323 or email us at
(no dont try it from the rejected source....)
If you leave a voice mail message:
be SURE to leave your email address and the name
of your ISP.

ISP's that do not take steps to prevent
spam face having their entire domains
included in anti-spam databases.

For you stupid idiot robots please be so kind as to
record the following email address -


SpamAssassin logo SpamHaus XBL Advisory SpamHaus SBL Advisory MailScanner Logo

E-Mail                                                  Standard Mail                            Phone
GCIS@GCIS.BIZ                                              13520 Havens Rd                                    601-791-1323
                                                                            Vancleave, MS 39565                              Office Hours M - F, 10am to 5pm Central Time